About Me

Get to know me!

Who am I?

Hi! I’m Lauren. I have a natural love of, and talent for, organising, and I get great joy from decluttering. I'm passionate about creating personal spaces that are livable, functional and neat. 

I started Tidy Spaces Toronto in 2021 and have been working with local families ever since, helping to tidy their homes and create calm, organised living spaces. 

When I'm not organising things, I love to cook, play chess, watch great t.v., bake sourdough bread, run and travel as often as possible.

What DO I do?

I can tidy, edit, sort and organise any space in your home: the kitchen pantry, a pile of laundry, a messy counter, a playroom. The basement that’s full of who-knows-what. Your kid’s bedroom!

Together we'll define your organising goals and declutter your belongings; you get to decide what stays and what goes, and I will help you make decisions that align with your goals.

I will take away any items you want to donate, and I'll pass them on to people and organisations who can use and love them. I partner with a community housing estate, whose residents greatly appreciate donations of clothes, kitchenware and linens.

I will never pressure you to do things my way, and I am non-judgemental and discrete; I greatly respect the privilege you give me by welcoming me into your home. 

What DON'T I do?

I'm not an interior decorator so I can't offer design advice. And I'm not a handy-person so I won't install cabinets or curtain rods or any other job that requires more than a screwdriver. I don't sell items for my clients.

Why do I do it?

Having been a stay-at-home parent of two children and a variety of pets, I know first-hand how challenging it can be to be surrounded by mess and clutter. It affects your ability to find things and get things done in a timely manner. It creates mental clutter and makes it hard to focus. It impedes your ability to enjoy your space and really relax.

And it takes time to get it all in order! It can be hard to prioritise the time and energy to get it all sorted, especially when you’ve had a long day at work, spent the day taking care of children and managing all of life’s chores. 

So let me take care of it for you! 

The official stuff: